Make Impactful Givings

Charitable Gift Planning

a person making heart with hand

At Belshaw Accounting, we believe that charitable giving is a powerful way to create a lasting legacy. Our Charitable Gift Planning services are designed to help you make the most of your philanthropic efforts, ensuring that your contributions are impactful and aligned with your personal and financial goals. We specialize in three key areas: Philanthropic Strategies, Donor-Advised Funds, and Charitable Trusts.

Philanthropic Strategies

Our team of experts collaborates with you to craft a customized philanthropic strategy that mirrors your passions and objectives. Whether your focus is on education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or other causes, we provide tailored advice to help you make informed decisions. We assist in identifying the most effective ways to allocate your resources, ensuring that your contributions make a meaningful difference.

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) offer a flexible and tax-efficient method for managing your charitable giving. At Belshaw Accounting, we guide you through the process of establishing and managing a DAF, allowing you to make contributions during high-income years and distribute funds to your chosen charities over time. We ensure that your DAF complies with all regulatory requirements and that you receive the necessary documentation to maximize your tax benefits.

Charitable Trusts

For those looking to make a significant impact, Charitable Trusts provide a powerful tool for long-term giving. We specialize in setting up Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and Charitable Lead Trusts (CLTs), which can offer substantial tax advantages while supporting your favorite causes. Our team will help you navigate the complexities of trust administration, ensuring that your charitable intentions are fulfilled efficiently and effectively.

Discover how Belshaw Accounting can help you achieve your philanthropic goals with confidence and ease. Reach out to us today to learn more about our Charitable Gift Planning services and how we can assist you in making a lasting impact on the causes you care about.

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